Groups & Guilds

Altar Servers
To faithfully serve at the Altar of the Lord and support the Celebrant of the Mass or Scriptural Services. To support and serve the faithful by example of reverence and dignity for the Sacred Word and Eucharist of the Lord within the Mass or service

Time required: Regularly scheduled weekend liturgies (Arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of any liturgy/service). Meeting attendance one hour, quarterly. Special holiday liturgy practices, one hour.
Contact:  The Church Office:  203-729-2504

Faith Formation (Formerly known as CCD)**
To instruct the children in preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Communion and Confirmation. Educate the children about the Church, Mass, Jesus, the Commandments, Sacraments and the Catholic faith.

Time required: October through May
Contact: Diane Parzyck, (203) 206-5665
** See “Religious Education Teacher”

Assist and lead congregation in musical expression of worship and praise.

Time required: 2 hours per week. Rehearsals – 1 evening a week and 10:00 am Mass on Sunday. Participate in special celebrations, i.e., Christmas Eve, etc.
Contact: Gail Lane

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
Distribution of the Holy Eucharist to the faithful of the parish within the Mass as well to those who are unable to attend regularly scheduled liturgies due to illness or disability.

Time required:  Regularly scheduled weekend Masses one to two times per month, Attend semi-annual meeting, one to two hours.
Contact: The Church Office (203)729-2504

Food Bank/St. Stephen’s Ministry
To provide food items for families in town who are in need of this assistance.

Contact: Louisa Heeman (203) 729-2504

Fund Raising Activity Committee
Time required: Varies

Home Visitor
To make visits to people confined to their homes. You may be called upon to run small errands, provide companionship, or just sit and talk for a while.

Time required: Varies
Contact:  The Church Office 203-729-2504

Ladies Guild

Help foster the spiritual well-being of the parish

  • Host Parish social events, such as Lenten Soup Suppers, First Holy Communion celebrations and any celebrations as needed
  • Raise money for the benefit of the Parish, including the annual Catholic High School scholarship
  • Help carry out visits to the St. Michael homebound parishioners who are unable to participate in parish activities

Monthly meetings:  7:00 PM in the Lyceum (4th Monday of the month, except for July).  All ladies of the parish are invited to attend.

Time Required: Varies

Men’s Club
To help promote the spiritual and social well-being of the Parish by men and young men of the parish. Support/promote religious activities of and for the men of the parish; support local civic and fraternal organizations and their causes and provide wholesome social activities and events for its members and the parish-at-large.

Time required: Monthly meetings (approximately 1 hour) and one additional monthly event. (Total hours 8-10 hours per year for activities)
Contact: John Gadacy, 203-729-3317

Minister of the Word (Lector)
To faithfully proclaim the Word of God within the context of the Mass or Scriptural Services.

Time Required: Regularly scheduled weekend liturgy. (Arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of any liturgy/service). Attend semi-annual meeting, one to two hours.
Contact:  The Church Office, 203-729-2504

To inform and educate parishioners about respecting life from the moment of conception to natural death. Support pregnancy crisis centers, Carolyn’s Place (Waterbury) and Birthright (Ansonia). Collect donations of goods or monetary donations.

Time required: Varies
Contact: Nancy Betkoski, (203) 720-3077

Religious Education Teacher
To instruct the children in the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Communion and Confirmation and educate them about the Church, Mass, Jesus, the Commandments, Sacraments and the Catholic faith.

Time required: 8-10 hours over the course of the school year.
Contact: Diane Parzyck, (203) 206-5665

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
To facilitate the preparation of the adult and young adult for membership within the Roman Catholic Church. To help those seeking membership to grasp an understanding of the Lord and all aspects of the Sacramental Church which he founded. To prepare the Community of St. Michael to receive new members and assist them in their faith-journey toward full membership.

Time required: Preparation for class meetings as well as the class meeting, one hour each week. Attendance at special liturgies at which “steps” of RCIA are celebrated, Support/Faith-walk with RCIA candidates throughout process (up to one year)
Contact:  The Church Office, 203-729-2504

Sandwich Team
To feed the hungry by supporting our local homeless shelter, Spooner House. Make 30-40 sandwiches once a month with a team comprised of 4-6 members.

Time required: 1 hour, once a month
Contact: Mary Anne Botticello, (203) 888-9493

Small Christian Community
To support Parish organizations, attend group meetings and discussions to obtain a better understanding of the Gospel and its relationship to life today.

Time required: 1 hour weekly
Claudia Csuka, at  203-709-0579

To provide socialization and companionship for parishioners unable to participate in parish activities.

Time required: varies
Contact:  The Church Office